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Plumbing Pointers: 5 Signs You Need to Call a Professional

As a homeowner, knowing when to tackle a minor plumbing issue yourself versus calling in the experts can be tricky. While you may be tempted to go the DIY route to save some money upfront, some plumbing problems require the experienced hand of a licensed professional. Attempting major repairs without proper training can quickly lead to more headaches and expenses down the line. At Mariner Plumbing, we know your home’s plumbing system inside and out. Over our decades serving Wakulla County homeowners, we’ve seen it all – from hairline leaks to major pipeline ruptures. To help spare you from plumbing pitfalls, here are five unmistakable signs that it’s time to pick up the phone and call in the Mariner Plumbing pros: Water Leaks That Don’t Stop A persistent leak, even one that seems minor, should never be ignored. Leaks allow water damage to areas like your floors, walls, ceilings, and cabinetry over time.

A quick fix like tightening pipes may solve drips temporarily, but a professional is needed to diagnose and repair the underlying cause. Lack of Hot Water Trying to figure out why your water heater isn’t delivering hot water can be maddening. Is it a pilot light issue? Sediment buildup? A bad thermostat? Rather than temporarily masking the problem, let our experts inspect and repair your system to restore endless hot showers. Gurgling Drains Those eerie gurgling sounds from your tub, sink or toilet drains can be more than just creepy – they may indicate a clogged pipe or ventilation issue requiring a plumber’s snake or hydro-jetting services. Ignoring the gurgles can lead to slow drainage and even foul odors. Sewer System Backups Few things are more unpleasant than a backed-up sewer line.

Sewage overflows pose serious health hazards and can permanently damage your home. Our technicians utilize advanced inspection cameras to locate blockages quickly and clear pipes with minimum disruption. Renovation Projects Planning to update your bathroom, kitchen or finish that basement? Chances are your home renovation will involve rerouting pipes, installing fixtures and appliances, and other plumbing work that’s safer and smarter to leave to the pros. The bottom line – taking a conservative approach with your home’s plumbing can end up saving you countless headaches and prevent thousands in potential repair costs.

When in doubt, call Mariner Plumbing and let our certified technicians quickly diagnose and remedy any problem, big or small. Your peace of mind is just one call away!

How to Winterize Your Plumbing

The unknown “Florida winter” is in full swing and you know what that means – dropping temperatures, whipping winds, and the return of snowbird season traffic. While there’s no shortage of cold weather chores like draining sprinklers and covering plants, one crucial winter prep task often goes overlooked: winterizing your plumbing system. Frozen pipes are a major headache no homeowner wants to deal with. When temperatures dip below freezing, any standing water inside pipes can turn to ice, expanding and creating immense pressure. This pressure can cause pipes to crack or rupture entirely, leading to flooding, water damage, and thousands in repair costs.

The good news is you can avoid this plumbing catastrophe through some simple preventative measures. At Mariner Plumbing, we’ve witnessed the destruction frozen pipes can wreak firsthand. That’s why we always recommend taking a few key winterization steps before the deep chill of January and February sets in. Insulate Exposed Pipes Any pipes located in unheated areas like crawl spaces, basements, and attics should be wrapped with foam pipe insulation. For an extra layer of protection, consider covering insulated pipes with heating cables or tape. Seal Air Leaks Use caulk or insulation to plug any drafty cracks, holes or openings where cold outside air could potentially reach pipes. Seal areas near dryer vents, pipes leading to the outdoors, and any other openings where pipes may be vulnerable. Drain Outdoor Faucets/Supply Lines Disconnect any garden hoses and shut off the supply line to outdoor faucets.

Once the water line is closed, open up the faucet to drain any remaining water that could freeze and cause pipes to burst. Open Cabinet Doors On especially frigid nights, keep cabinet and vanity doors open to allow heated interior air to circulate around plumbing lines. This helps prevent freezing in areas with limited insulation. Set Thermostat for Consistent Heat Never set your thermostat below 55°F when leaving for an extended period. Consistent interior heating, even at lower temperatures, is crucial for preventing freezing pipes. Let Faucets Drip When temps plummet below 25°F, allowing faucets to slowly drip can relieve pressure in the pipes and prevent freezing. The dripping water is a small price to pay versus repairing major pipe damage.

Knowing your pipes and plumbing system are prepared for the harshest of winter weather brings invaluable peace of mind. However, if you do run into any frozen pipe issues, burst lines or other plumbing emergencies this winter, the Mariner Plumbing team is just a call away 24/7 to quickly resolve the problem. Stay warm out there!

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